İngilizce Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız masalını yazar mısınız? Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız masalının English versiyonunu yazar mısınız? İngilizce K...
İngilizce Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız masalını yazar mısınız?
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İngilizce Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız masalı nasıldır?
Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız masalının İngilizcesi nasıldır?
Little Red Riding Hood / Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız
Once upon time, in a small village at the edge of the woods, there lived a very pretty young girl. Since she always wore a red cape with a hood, she was known as Little Red Riding Hood.
One day, Red Riding Hood's mother gave her a basket of fresh apples to take her grandmother. “Don't talk to strangers on the way,†her mother warned her.
The girl promised to be home before dark and set off to her grandmother's house which was deep in the woods.
Now in this forest lived one big, bad wolf who ate little children. He saw Red Riding Hood Skipping along the path and badly wanted to eat her up. So he came up with a wicked plan.
The wolf jumped out of the bushes in front of Red Riding Hood. “Hello, young lady! Where are you going?†he asked with a sweet smile.
Red Riding Hood forgot her mother's wise words. Immediately, she told him, “I'm going to see Grandma. She lives at the end of this path.â€
The wolf cunningly said, “Well then, you should take her some flowers too.†While Red Riding Hood was busy looking for flowers for Grandma, the wolf took a shortcut and reached Grandma's house.
There, the wolf knocked on the door. He changed his voice and said, “It's me, Red Riding Hood. Do let me in Grandma!â€
But soon as the old lady opened the door, he pounced on her and gobbled her up whole.
Then, the wolf quickly wore Grandma's cap and clothes, tucked himself into bed, and lay waiting for the grand-daughter.
“Come in, dear!†called the wicked wolf in Grandma's voice, as soon as young Red reached the cottage.
Red Riding Hood came into the room, and was surprised to see her “grandmother†in bed. “Oh Grandma, what big arms you have!†she said.
“All the better to hug you with, my dear,†replied the wolf.
“Oh Grandma, what big ears you have!†continued Red Riding Hood.
“All the better to hear you with, my dear,†said the wolf smilling.
“Oh Grandma, what big teeth you have!†cried Red Riding Hood, her eyes wide with surprise.
The wolf laughed a wicked laugh. “All the better to eat you with!†he said and pounced on her in a flash!
Red Riding Hood was very scared. “Help!†she screamed.
Just then, a kind woodcutter was passing by the house. He saw the big wolf trying to catch the young girl and immediately hit the wolf on his head with his axe.
The woodcutter and Red Riding Hood cut open the wolf's stomach, and out came Grandma! She was scared, but quite unhurt.
The big bad wolf could never hurt anyone any more.
As for Red Riding Hood, she was a very good girl and remembered never to speak to strangers ever again.
Sebep: Soru düzenlendi.
Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız
Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız masalında kurt iyi olursa masal nasıl biter?
Nükleer Başlıklı Kız
Bu mesaj 'en iyi cevap' seçilmiştir.
Once upon time, in a small village at the edge of the woods, there lived a very pretty young girl. Since she always wore a red cape with a hood, she was known as Little Red Riding Hood.
One day, Red Riding Hood's mother gave her a basket of fresh apples to take her grandmother. “Don't talk to strangers on the way,†her mother warned her.
The girl promised to be home before dark and set off to her grandmother's house which was deep in the woods.
Now in this forest lived one big, bad wolf who ate little children. He saw Red Riding Hood Skipping along the path and badly wanted to eat her up. So he came up with a wicked plan.
The wolf jumped out of the bushes in front of Red Riding Hood. “Hello, young lady! Where are you going?†he asked with a sweet smile.
Red Riding Hood forgot her mother's wise words. Immediately, she told him, “I'm going to see Grandma. She lives at the end of this path.â€
The wolf cunningly said, “Well then, you should take her some flowers too.†While Red Riding Hood was busy looking for flowers for Grandma, the wolf took a shortcut and reached Grandma's house.
There, the wolf knocked on the door. He changed his voice and said, “It's me, Red Riding Hood. Do let me in Grandma!â€
But soon as the old lady opened the door, he pounced on her and gobbled her up whole.
Then, the wolf quickly wore Grandma's cap and clothes, tucked himself into bed, and lay waiting for the grand-daughter.
“Come in, dear!†called the wicked wolf in Grandma's voice, as soon as young Red reached the cottage.
Red Riding Hood came into the room, and was surprised to see her “grandmother†in bed. “Oh Grandma, what big arms you have!†she said.
“All the better to hug you with, my dear,†replied the wolf.
“Oh Grandma, what big ears you have!†continued Red Riding Hood.
“All the better to hear you with, my dear,†said the wolf smilling.
“Oh Grandma, what big teeth you have!†cried Red Riding Hood, her eyes wide with surprise.
The wolf laughed a wicked laugh. “All the better to eat you with!†he said and pounced on her in a flash!
Red Riding Hood was very scared. “Help!†she screamed.
Just then, a kind woodcutter was passing by the house. He saw the big wolf trying to catch the young girl and immediately hit the wolf on his head with his axe.
The woodcutter and Red Riding Hood cut open the wolf's stomach, and out came Grandma! She was scared, but quite unhurt.
The big bad wolf could never hurt anyone any more.
As for Red Riding Hood, she was a very good girl and remembered never to speak to strangers ever again.
Sebep: Düzenlendi.
Bir zamanlar küçük bir kız varmış. Annesi ona üzerinde kırmızı başlığı olan bir pelerin almış. Kız bu pelerini çok seviyormuş ve nereye gitse onu giyiyormuş. Bu nedenle de herkes ona Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız diyormuş.
Bir gün “Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız!†diye seslenmiş kızın annesi. “Büyükannen hâlâ hasta. Hadi giyin de, ona yaptığım şu çöreği götür.â€
Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız da elbisesini giymiş, üzerine kırmızı başlıklı pelerinini geçirmiş, başlığı çenesinin altında sıkıca bağlamış ve yola çıkmış.
“Tavşan Ormanı'ndaki yoldan ayrılma sakın!†diye seslenmiş annesi arkasından. (Ormanın adı Tavşan Ormanıymış, ama içinde uzun zamandır bir tek tavşan bile yokmuş - neden olmadığını birazdan öğreneceksiniz.)
“Ayrılmam anne,†demiş Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız.
Tam ormana girmiş, birkaç adım atmış ki, çalılıkların arasından bir ses duymuş. Yola birden bir kurt fırlamış. Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız korkusundan az kalsın elindeki sepeti düşürüyormuş. Fakat kurt hiç de öyle düşmanca görünmüyormuş. “Nereye böyle küçük kız?†diye sormuş kurt.
“Büyükanneme gidiyorum,†demiş Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız. “Tavşan Ormanı'nın sonunda ki ilk ev. Büyükannemin sağlığı pek iyi değil. Bu arada adım ‘küçük kız' değil, ‘Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız.' â€
“Özür dilerim,†demiş kurt. “Bilmiyordum. Bak sana ne diyeceğim. Ben bir koşu gidip Büyükannene senin yolda olduğunu haber vereyim. Yalnız sakın yolda oyalanayım falan deme, olur mu? Başına bir şey gelmesini istemeyiz, öyle değil mi?â€
Kurt oradan hemen sıvışmış! Çünkü yakınlarda bir oduncu dolaşıyormuş. Eğer kızı hemen orada yerse, oduncunun kızın yardımına koşacağını biliyormuş.
Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız, çiçek toplayarak, kelebeklerin peşinden koşarak, kuş seslerini dinleyerek yolda ağır ağır ilerlerken kurt kestirmeden Büyükannenin evine varmış, kapıyı çalmış.
“Kim o?†diye seslenmiş içeriden yaşlı kadın.
Kurt sesini değiştirerek, “Benim, Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız,†demiş. “Çayın yanında yemen için sana çörek getirdim.â€
“Kapı açık güzelim,†diye seslenmiş Büyükanne. Kurt hemen içeri dalmış. Öyle açmış ki! Günlerdir hiçbir şey yememiş. Bu yüzden Büyükanneyi çiğnemeden bir lokmada yutuvermiş. Biraz sonra Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız Büyükannenin kapısını çalmış.
“Kim o?†diye seslenmiş kurt yumuşak bir sesle.
“Benim, Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız.â€
“Kapı açık güzelim,†diye seslenmiş kurt. “İçeri girebilirsin.â€
Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız bir an için tereddüt etmiş. ‘Büyükannemin sesi ne kadar da garip böyle?' diye düşünmüş. Sonra büyükannesinin hasta olduğu gelmiş aklına ve kapının mandalını kaldırıp açarak içeri girmiş.
Kurt, Büyükannenin geceliğini giymiş, onun başlığını ve gözlüğünü takmış yatakta yatıyormuş. Yorganı boğazına kadar çekmiş, içerisi karanlık olsun ve suratı fark edilmesin diye de perdeleri iyice kapamış.
“Elindekileri oraya bırak da yanıma gel canım,†demiş kurt.
Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız çöreği yatağın yanında ki küçük masanın üzerine koymuş, ama hemen kurdun yanına gitmemiş. Çünkü Büyükannesi bir tuhaf görünüyormuş.
“Kolların neden bu kadar büyük Büyükanne?â€
“Seni daha iyi kucaklamak için!†demiş kurt.
“Kulakların neden büyük, peki?â€
“Seni daha iyi duyabilmek için!†demiş kurt.
“Gözlerin neden kocaman, peki?â€
“Seni daha iyi görebilmek için,†demiş kurt.
“Dişlerin neden sivri peki?â€
“Seni daha iyi yiyebilmek için,†demiş kurt.
Bunu söyledikten sonra kurt artık daha fazla kendine engel olamamış ve yorganı bir tarafa atarak yataktan fırladığı gibi Kırmızı Başlıklı Kızı bir lokmada yutuvermiş. Sonra da karnı doyduğu için keyfi yerine gelmiş ve uykuya dalmış.
Ama ne var ki kurt çok kötü horluyormuş. Evin önünden geçen bir avcı onun horultularını duymuş. Büyükanneye kötü bir şey mi oldu acaba, diyerek kulübeden içeri girmiş. İçeri girer girmez de orada neler olduğunu hemen anlamış.
“Aylardır senin peşindeyim pis yaratık,†diye bağırmış avcı ve kurdun kafasına elindeki baltanın sapıyla vurmuş. Sonra da önce Kırmızı Başlıklı Kızı, sonra da Büyükanneyi dikkatle kurdun içinden çıkarmış. İkisi de sapasağlammış.
Büyükanne, Kırmızı Başlıklı Kızın ona getirdiği çöreği afiyetle yemiş. Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız büyükannesine bir daha hiçbir kurdun sözüne kanmayacağına dair söz vermiş. Eve dönerken tavşanların saklandıkları yerlerden çıktıklarını görmüş. Tavşan Ormanı yine eskisi gibi tavşanlarla dolu bir orman haline gelmiş.
Little Red Hood
Once upon a time, there was a little darling damsel, whom everybody loved that looked upon her, but her old granny loved her best of all, and didn't know what to give the dear child for love. Once she made her a hood of red samite, and since that became her so well, and she, too, would wear nothing else on her head, people gave her the name of “Red Hood.â€
Once her mother said to Red Hood, “Go; here is a slice of cake and a bottle of wine; carry them to old granny. She is ill and weak, and they will refresh her. But be pretty behaved, and don't peep about in all corners when you come into her room, and don't forget to say ‘Good-day.' Walk, too, prettily, and don't go out of the road, otherwise you will fall and break the bottle, and then poor granny will have nothing.â€
Red Hood said, “I will observe everything well that you have told me,†and gave her mother her hand upon it.
But granny lived out in a forest, half an hour's walk from the village. When Red Hood went into the forest, she met a wolf. But she did not know what a wicked beast he was, and was not afraid of him.
“God help you, Red Hood!†said he.
“God bless you, wolf!†replied she.
“Whither so early, Red Hood?â€
“To granny.â€
“What have you there under your mantle?â€
“Cake and wine. We baked yesterday; old granny must have a good meal for once, and strengthen herself therewith.â€
“Where does your granny live, Red Hood?â€
“A good quarter of an hour's walk further in the forest, under yon three large oaks. There stands her house; further beneath are the nut trees, which you will see there,†said Red Hood.
The wolf thought within himself, “This nice young damsel is a rich morsel. She will taste better than the old woman; but you must trick her cleverly, that you may catch both.â€
For a time he went by Red Hood's side Then said he, “Red Hood! Just look! There are such pretty flowers here! Why don't you look round at them all? Methinks you don't even hear how delightfully the birds are singing! You are as dull as if you were going to school, and yet it is so cheerful in the forest!â€
Little Red Hood lifted up her eyes, and when she saw how the sun's rays glistened through the tops of the trees, and every place was full of flowers, she bethought herself, “If I bring with me a sweet smelling nosegay to granny, it will cheer her. It is still so early, that I shall come to her in plenty of time,†and therewith she skipped into the forest and looked for flowers. And when she had plucked one, she fancied that another further off was nicer, and ran there, and went always deeper and deeper into the forest.
But the wolf went by the straight road to old granny's, and knocked at the door.
“Who's there?â€
“Little Red Hood, who has brought cake and wine. Open!â€
“Only press the latch,†cried granny. “I ** so weak that I cannot stand.â€
The wolf pressed the latch, walked in, and went without saying a word straight to granny's bed and ate her up. Then he took her clothes, dressed himself in them, put her cap on his head, lay down in her bed and drew the curtains.
Meanwhile little Red Hood was running after flowers, and when she had so many that she could not carry any more, she bethought her of her granny, and started on the way to her. It seemed strange to her that the door was wide open, and when she entered the room everything seemed to her so peculiar, that she thought, “Ah! My God! How strange I feel today, and yet at other times I ** so glad to be with granny!â€
She said, “Good-day!†but received no answer.
Thereupon she went to the bed and undrew the curtains. There lay granny, with her cap drawn down to her eyes, and looking so queer!
“Ah, granny! Why have you such long ears?â€
“The better to hear you.â€
“Ah, granny! Why have you such large eyes?â€
“The better to see you.â€
“Ah, granny! Why have you such large hands?â€
“The better to take hold of you.â€
“But, granny! Why have you such a terribly large mouth?â€
“The better to eat you up!â€
And therewith the wolf sprang out of bed at once on poor little Red Hood, and ate her up. When the wolf had satisfied his appetite, he lay down again in the bed, and began to snore tremendously.
A huntsman came past, and bethought himself, “How can an old woman snore like that? I'll just have a look to see what it is.â€
He went into the room, and looked into the bed; there lay the wolf. “Have I found you now, old rascal?†said he. “I've long been looking for you.â€
He was just going to take aim with his gun, when he bethought himself, “Perhaps the wolf has only swallowed granny, and she may yet be released.â€
Therefore he did not shoot, but took a knife and began to cut open the sleeping wolf's maw. When he had made several cuts, he saw a red hood gleam, and after one or two more cuts out skipped Red Hood, and cried, “Oh, how frightened I have been; it was so dark in the wolf's maw!â€
Afterwards out came old granny, still alive, but scarcely able to breathe. But Red Hood made haste and fetched large stones, with which they filled the wolf's maw, and when he woke he wanted to jump up and run away, but the stones were so heavy that he fell on the ground and beat himself to death.
Now, they were all three merry. The huntsman took off the wolf's skin; granny ate the cake and drank the wine which little Red Hood had brought, and became strong and well again; and little Red Hood thought to herself, “As long as I live, I won't go out of the road into the forest, when mother has forbidden me.â€
Bir gün “Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız!†diye seslenmiş kızın annesi. “Büyükannen hâlâ hasta. Hadi giyin de, ona yaptığım şu çöreği götür.â€
Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız da elbisesini giymiş, üzerine kırmızı başlıklı pelerinini geçirmiş, başlığı çenesinin altında sıkıca bağlamış ve yola çıkmış.
“Tavşan Ormanı'ndaki yoldan ayrılma sakın!†diye seslenmiş annesi arkasından. (Ormanın adı Tavşan Ormanıymış, ama içinde uzun zamandır bir tek tavşan bile yokmuş - neden olmadığını birazdan öğreneceksiniz.)
“Ayrılmam anne,†demiş Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız.
Tam ormana girmiş, birkaç adım atmış ki, çalılıkların arasından bir ses duymuş. Yola birden bir kurt fırlamış. Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız korkusundan az kalsın elindeki sepeti düşürüyormuş. Fakat kurt hiç de öyle düşmanca görünmüyormuş. “Nereye böyle küçük kız?†diye sormuş kurt.
“Büyükanneme gidiyorum,†demiş Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız. “Tavşan Ormanı'nın sonunda ki ilk ev. Büyükannemin sağlığı pek iyi değil. Bu arada adım ‘küçük kız' değil, ‘Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız.' â€
“Özür dilerim,†demiş kurt. “Bilmiyordum. Bak sana ne diyeceğim. Ben bir koşu gidip Büyükannene senin yolda olduğunu haber vereyim. Yalnız sakın yolda oyalanayım falan deme, olur mu? Başına bir şey gelmesini istemeyiz, öyle değil mi?â€
Kurt oradan hemen sıvışmış! Çünkü yakınlarda bir oduncu dolaşıyormuş. Eğer kızı hemen orada yerse, oduncunun kızın yardımına koşacağını biliyormuş.
Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız, çiçek toplayarak, kelebeklerin peşinden koşarak, kuş seslerini dinleyerek yolda ağır ağır ilerlerken kurt kestirmeden Büyükannenin evine varmış, kapıyı çalmış.
“Kim o?†diye seslenmiş içeriden yaşlı kadın.
Kurt sesini değiştirerek, “Benim, Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız,†demiş. “Çayın yanında yemen için sana çörek getirdim.â€
“Kapı açık güzelim,†diye seslenmiş Büyükanne. Kurt hemen içeri dalmış. Öyle açmış ki! Günlerdir hiçbir şey yememiş. Bu yüzden Büyükanneyi çiğnemeden bir lokmada yutuvermiş. Biraz sonra Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız Büyükannenin kapısını çalmış.
“Kim o?†diye seslenmiş kurt yumuşak bir sesle.
“Benim, Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız.â€
“Kapı açık güzelim,†diye seslenmiş kurt. “İçeri girebilirsin.â€
Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız bir an için tereddüt etmiş. ‘Büyükannemin sesi ne kadar da garip böyle?' diye düşünmüş. Sonra büyükannesinin hasta olduğu gelmiş aklına ve kapının mandalını kaldırıp açarak içeri girmiş.
Kurt, Büyükannenin geceliğini giymiş, onun başlığını ve gözlüğünü takmış yatakta yatıyormuş. Yorganı boğazına kadar çekmiş, içerisi karanlık olsun ve suratı fark edilmesin diye de perdeleri iyice kapamış.
“Elindekileri oraya bırak da yanıma gel canım,†demiş kurt.
Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız çöreği yatağın yanında ki küçük masanın üzerine koymuş, ama hemen kurdun yanına gitmemiş. Çünkü Büyükannesi bir tuhaf görünüyormuş.
“Kolların neden bu kadar büyük Büyükanne?â€
“Seni daha iyi kucaklamak için!†demiş kurt.
“Kulakların neden büyük, peki?â€
“Seni daha iyi duyabilmek için!†demiş kurt.
“Gözlerin neden kocaman, peki?â€
“Seni daha iyi görebilmek için,†demiş kurt.
“Dişlerin neden sivri peki?â€
“Seni daha iyi yiyebilmek için,†demiş kurt.
Bunu söyledikten sonra kurt artık daha fazla kendine engel olamamış ve yorganı bir tarafa atarak yataktan fırladığı gibi Kırmızı Başlıklı Kızı bir lokmada yutuvermiş. Sonra da karnı doyduğu için keyfi yerine gelmiş ve uykuya dalmış.
Ama ne var ki kurt çok kötü horluyormuş. Evin önünden geçen bir avcı onun horultularını duymuş. Büyükanneye kötü bir şey mi oldu acaba, diyerek kulübeden içeri girmiş. İçeri girer girmez de orada neler olduğunu hemen anlamış.
“Aylardır senin peşindeyim pis yaratık,†diye bağırmış avcı ve kurdun kafasına elindeki baltanın sapıyla vurmuş. Sonra da önce Kırmızı Başlıklı Kızı, sonra da Büyükanneyi dikkatle kurdun içinden çıkarmış. İkisi de sapasağlammış.
Büyükanne, Kırmızı Başlıklı Kızın ona getirdiği çöreği afiyetle yemiş. Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız büyükannesine bir daha hiçbir kurdun sözüne kanmayacağına dair söz vermiş. Eve dönerken tavşanların saklandıkları yerlerden çıktıklarını görmüş. Tavşan Ormanı yine eskisi gibi tavşanlarla dolu bir orman haline gelmiş.
Little Red Hood
Once upon a time, there was a little darling damsel, whom everybody loved that looked upon her, but her old granny loved her best of all, and didn't know what to give the dear child for love. Once she made her a hood of red samite, and since that became her so well, and she, too, would wear nothing else on her head, people gave her the name of “Red Hood.â€
Once her mother said to Red Hood, “Go; here is a slice of cake and a bottle of wine; carry them to old granny. She is ill and weak, and they will refresh her. But be pretty behaved, and don't peep about in all corners when you come into her room, and don't forget to say ‘Good-day.' Walk, too, prettily, and don't go out of the road, otherwise you will fall and break the bottle, and then poor granny will have nothing.â€
Red Hood said, “I will observe everything well that you have told me,†and gave her mother her hand upon it.
But granny lived out in a forest, half an hour's walk from the village. When Red Hood went into the forest, she met a wolf. But she did not know what a wicked beast he was, and was not afraid of him.
“God help you, Red Hood!†said he.
“God bless you, wolf!†replied she.
“Whither so early, Red Hood?â€
“To granny.â€
“What have you there under your mantle?â€
“Cake and wine. We baked yesterday; old granny must have a good meal for once, and strengthen herself therewith.â€
“Where does your granny live, Red Hood?â€
“A good quarter of an hour's walk further in the forest, under yon three large oaks. There stands her house; further beneath are the nut trees, which you will see there,†said Red Hood.
The wolf thought within himself, “This nice young damsel is a rich morsel. She will taste better than the old woman; but you must trick her cleverly, that you may catch both.â€
For a time he went by Red Hood's side Then said he, “Red Hood! Just look! There are such pretty flowers here! Why don't you look round at them all? Methinks you don't even hear how delightfully the birds are singing! You are as dull as if you were going to school, and yet it is so cheerful in the forest!â€
Little Red Hood lifted up her eyes, and when she saw how the sun's rays glistened through the tops of the trees, and every place was full of flowers, she bethought herself, “If I bring with me a sweet smelling nosegay to granny, it will cheer her. It is still so early, that I shall come to her in plenty of time,†and therewith she skipped into the forest and looked for flowers. And when she had plucked one, she fancied that another further off was nicer, and ran there, and went always deeper and deeper into the forest.
But the wolf went by the straight road to old granny's, and knocked at the door.
“Who's there?â€
“Little Red Hood, who has brought cake and wine. Open!â€
“Only press the latch,†cried granny. “I ** so weak that I cannot stand.â€
The wolf pressed the latch, walked in, and went without saying a word straight to granny's bed and ate her up. Then he took her clothes, dressed himself in them, put her cap on his head, lay down in her bed and drew the curtains.
Meanwhile little Red Hood was running after flowers, and when she had so many that she could not carry any more, she bethought her of her granny, and started on the way to her. It seemed strange to her that the door was wide open, and when she entered the room everything seemed to her so peculiar, that she thought, “Ah! My God! How strange I feel today, and yet at other times I ** so glad to be with granny!â€
She said, “Good-day!†but received no answer.
Thereupon she went to the bed and undrew the curtains. There lay granny, with her cap drawn down to her eyes, and looking so queer!
“Ah, granny! Why have you such long ears?â€
“The better to hear you.â€
“Ah, granny! Why have you such large eyes?â€
“The better to see you.â€
“Ah, granny! Why have you such large hands?â€
“The better to take hold of you.â€
“But, granny! Why have you such a terribly large mouth?â€
“The better to eat you up!â€
And therewith the wolf sprang out of bed at once on poor little Red Hood, and ate her up. When the wolf had satisfied his appetite, he lay down again in the bed, and began to snore tremendously.
A huntsman came past, and bethought himself, “How can an old woman snore like that? I'll just have a look to see what it is.â€
He went into the room, and looked into the bed; there lay the wolf. “Have I found you now, old rascal?†said he. “I've long been looking for you.â€
He was just going to take aim with his gun, when he bethought himself, “Perhaps the wolf has only swallowed granny, and she may yet be released.â€
Therefore he did not shoot, but took a knife and began to cut open the sleeping wolf's maw. When he had made several cuts, he saw a red hood gleam, and after one or two more cuts out skipped Red Hood, and cried, “Oh, how frightened I have been; it was so dark in the wolf's maw!â€
Afterwards out came old granny, still alive, but scarcely able to breathe. But Red Hood made haste and fetched large stones, with which they filled the wolf's maw, and when he woke he wanted to jump up and run away, but the stones were so heavy that he fell on the ground and beat himself to death.
Now, they were all three merry. The huntsman took off the wolf's skin; granny ate the cake and drank the wine which little Red Hood had brought, and became strong and well again; and little Red Hood thought to herself, “As long as I live, I won't go out of the road into the forest, when mother has forbidden me.â€
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